
Blackwolf Clan of the PMIC

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The Blackwolf Clan is an intertribal Warriors/Veterans Association. 


 DISCLAIMER: Blackwolf Clan is in no way affiliated with the clan of the same name serving the SECCI Southeastern Cherokee Council, Inc.  According to the SECCI website they have NO CLANS operating in what they call the Sacred Valley region, which is Southeastern Kentucky. We do however remember one former Chief of this particular Clan, Wilma "Peaceful Heart" Boggs, who has crossed over, with great admiration and respect.

The tradition of the Blackwolf Clan in our defined territory is speculated to go back decades if not a century or more and most likely consisted of descendants of those early mixed heritage settlers who settled south of Pine Mountain and flanked Cumberland Mountain north and south.    

Modern Mission

The Blackwolf Clan associated with the Pine Mountain Indian Community LLC mission is to help those who need help. We will be creating a program for veteran and Native American inmates currently incarcerated . The Blackwolf Clan will also concentrate on helping fund the many food-banks in our territory. 

Our traditional primary mission will still be one of the main focuses of the Blackwolf Clan and that is stopping the thriving illegal artifacts trade. Once again this sort of evil is out of control and must be stopped. 

Membership is comprised of professionals, veterans who served honorably and still serve honorably, in their own communities. We also have members who have received many honors in this region members. One member was awarded the Jefferson Peace Medal while representing the Shawnee at the Cumberland Gap for the 200 year celebration, and reenactment, of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. The Blackwolf Clan celebrates this pledge of peace.


The territory of the Blackwolf Clan (See map below)


While inquiries are encouraged membership into the Blackwolf Clan is by invitation only. While the primary qualification is to be a veteran the Blackwolf Clan maintains a 25% quota of exempt non-veteran members. At least 6 years of honorable law enforcement experience also qualifies. 

The Blackwolf Clan rejects alcohol and dangerous drugs, and no exceptions.  

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